A state of shock and bewilderment encompasses you in the wake of a disaster. It is a timeless, liminal space where you return again and again even as you struggle to gain and maintain distance, and where you keep responding to the disaster long after it has subsided. Here, a crisis-management team is keeping your emergency situation alive and present, a trusted voice is urging you to come to terms with the past, and a steady supply of “The Show” is available for all the distraction, escape and pleasure you crave. In one sense you’re the survivor and this is your refuge. In another, you’re the disaster waiting to happen. This new creation by two of Canada’s most celebrated companies is an innovative, boundary-stretching hybrid of theatre and dance.

Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Dance Production (2017)
Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards: Georgia Straight Critic’s Choice Innovation Award (2016)
Dora Mavor Moore Awards: Outstanding Production (2016)
Critic’s Circle National Dance Awards: Outstanding Performance in Modern Dance (Jonathon Young) (2016)
Electric Company Theatre and Kidd Pivot gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Province of British Columbia, British Columbia Arts Council, BC Gaming, the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Foundation, the Koerner Foundation, the Charles and Joan Gross Family Foundation, and countless individual and business supporters.
Header image by Wendy D
Pictured from left to right: Tiffany Tregarthen and Jonathon Young