
Kidd Pivot believes that dance has an essential role to play in invigorating our shared cultural discourse. Dance is a profoundly human mode of communication: our physical gestures are as much language as action. Dance is also an extreme expression of the present moment, a distillate of the body’s strength and complexity, fragility and impermanence. Kidd Pivot locates its work here, in the heightened awareness conjured by the present’s disappearance, and in the resonance of kinetic images in each of our minds, in our experience of the body. Dancers and viewers alike, we move; we have all been moved. Kidd Pivot creates high calibre performance work in which movement invention, theatrical innovation and ongoing experiment – in form, aesthetic, content and delivery – are paramount. Equally important is the work’s ability to connect to the public, and the organization values accessibility as a means of achieving strong impact. Kidd Pivot supports mutual active engagement between artists and audiences through the use of dialogue, workshops, alternate media, and educational resources to complement stage performances and presentation activity.

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