Kidd Pivot is pleased to launch 1Day for the Climate, a grassroots initiative which addresses one’s environmental impact on the climate.
What it is
1Day for the Climate is a company-employee voluntary partnership dedicating one day of work per year to climate protection. Its mission is to encourage organizations to acknowledge their carbon footprint, aim for net carbon neutrality, and raise awareness on the issue of climate change. Its purpose is rooted in the strong scientific consensus that human influence has been the dominant cause of climate warming since the mid-20thcentury. *
How it works
Employees and collaborators joining 1Day for the Climate commit to donate one day of their salary per year. That amount is, in turn, matched by the company. The combined funds are directed to projects chosen by the individuals participating in the initiative.
Types of projects supported
Members of 1Day for the Climate are invited to propose, evaluate and support projects, which aim to directly, effectively, and rigorously mitigate the company’s carbon footprint, offset carbon emissions, raise awareness or address the impact—both socially and environmentally—of climate change on the most vulnerable communities.
Why now
Reports from scientists are growing more frequent of the urgent need to address and reduce our carbon footprint in order to prevent catastrophic and irreversible impacts on our planet and civilisation. 1Day for the Climate believes that while governmental bodies must play a stronger leadership role in regard to this problem, every workplace has the responsibility and potential to speed up the transition towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy.
Kidd Pivot Achievements
Kidd Pivot has been hosting 1Day for the Climate since 2015. Since then, it has measured its touring carbon footprint and offset over 1000 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), enabling Kidd Pivot to be one of the first dance companies to tour carbon neutral. ** Among other things, hosting the initiative has allowed the company to help protect British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest as well as support leading environmental organizations such as, David Suzuki Foundation, and the Sierra Club BC. Kidd Pivot acknowledges the importance of mitigating its impact on the climate and thanks Ostrom Climate (formerly Offsetters) for their support.

Hosting 1Day for the Climate
Kidd Pivot is inviting all dance companies as well as other profit or non-profit organizations to host their own 1Day for the Climate campaign. For more information on this environmental initiative, please contact Eric Beauchesne at
- IPCC Fifth Assessment Summary for Policymakers (2014)
** To be carbon neutral, an organization must measure the amount of greenhouse gas emissions it emits and purchase the equivalent amount of tonnes of carbon offsets from projects that remove or prevent the emissions. The projects must be real, additional, and permanent; they must be validated and verified by third-party organizations.